Hedberg Library Materials Request Form Home Library & Information Services Hedberg Library Materials Request Form Library & Information Services About Hedberg LibraryLibrary ResearchBorrowing & AccessArchives & Special CollectionsComputer & Technology ServicesMedia ServicesTelephonesNews & EventsFrequently Asked Questions Please use this form to recommend materials for inclusion in Hedberg Library’s permanent collection. You must be a current faculty, staff, or student to request materials. Before submitting recommendations, you may wish to check the Hedberg Library catalog to determine if Carthage already owns the item. Your request will be reviewed by our Collection Development Librarian and you will be notified if we decide to order the resource for our collection. Materials ordered for the collection typically arrive in the library and are processed within a month (depending on the urgency of the request). PLEASE NOTE: The library cannot purchase textbooks for specific classes. LIS would love to have copies of published work by Carthage faculty. As a current faculty member, if you have published works that you’d like the library to have in our collection please fill out the form below or bring an extra copy to the library for donation. For questions, please email help@360study.net. All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required. name required text field Name* email_address required e-mail address field Email Address* carthage_status required select menu field Carthage Status* Faculty Staff Student Trustee departmental_affiliation text field Departmental Affiliation format_of_requested_item required radio button field Format of Requested Item*Please fill out as much item information as possible to expediate the ordering process. Book DVD Journal Database Other (specify in comments section below) title_of_requested_item required text field Title of Requested Item* author_if_applicable text field Author (if applicable) isbn_or_issn_if_applicable text field ISBN or ISSN (if applicable) date_of_publication text field Date of Publication publisher text field Publisher edition_if_applicable text field Edition (if applicable) purpose_of_request radio button field Purpose of RequestPlease explain your intent in requesting the item. Resource for a class I’m teaching Will be placing item on Course Reserve at the library Important work in my field Want to use resource for senior thesis (students) Faculty research Other (please specify in comments section below) if_ordering_item_for_course_re textarea field If ordering item for Course Reserves, please indicate the following: term; name/number of the class; checkout period (2-hr, 4-hr, 1 day, 3-day, 7-day). Please email course-reserves@360study.net if you have questions or further course reserve requests. if_we_purchase_the_item_would required radio button field If we purchase the item, would you like it held for you to personally check out when it is processed?* Yes No additional_comments textarea field Additional Comments Link (required)